Why Wait Out the Wall Street Crisis?
Regardless of What the Stock Market May Do, Our Stock Loan is UNAFFECTED.
For more information, please visit our website:
That's right; unaffected. And that means full steam ahead for you and our other stock loan clients. We're ready today to assist small-to-medium-sized business directors, individual shareholders, or those with current financial dilemmas caused by the recent freeze in the credit markets.
Need some ideas? Here are two recent questions and our answers...
1) Enhance Your Down payment - A Mortgage-Rescue Stock Loan Solution
"I have a $10 million real estate project that's now in danger of halting because my bank is demanding a huge increase in the down payment, this despite my excellent credit rating! I do have stocks, but don't want to sell them because they've dropped like rocks with the falling stock market - valued at only about 50% less than what I paid for them a year ago. I'd hate to sell at a loss. Is there any other way to raise the down payment capital needed to release the loan funds for your project? HELP!"
The Stock Loan Solution: Relax, you are covered. By placing your stocks as guarantee for your Loan, you can get 85% - for good stocks even 90% - of the value of your portfolio today, when you need it, which should be more than enough to cover the needed additional down payment funds and still get the project moving. Best of all, you remain beneficial owner of the shares while they remain in lender custody. On a three year term, you can quickly close a NON-RECOURSE stock loan with no interest payments due until maturity, at which time the stocks will have a good chance of recovering their initial value, if not more. You can then exit your loan at maturity by asking the lender to sell enough shares to pay off the loan, and recoup the remaining profit in shares or cash. In such case you win around the board; your project gets funded, and you walk away "in the money" with stocks or cash. And if the stocks fall in value? Again, you're covered. It's a non-recourse loan, so you can walk away, and your project gets funded. Since you've suffered a loss on your stocks, you may even have a favorable tax result as well (consult only with a licensed tax professional for a precise determination of tax status).
2) Get Your IRA Off the Couch - Turbo-boost with an IRA Stock Loan
"As they say one man's misfortune is another man's opportunity. Looking at the massive drops in the stock market I have to think there are bargains galore for the stocks of otherwise soundly managed companies. I'd love to get into that but I want to stay protected. My IRA is worth about $500,000. What can I do with this?"
The Stock Solution: We'll place you into our IRA Stock Loan program and handle the stock loan side of the process while our partner firm (made up of licensed financial planners and insurance experts) will guide you to a temporary dissolution of your IRA, purchase of stocks, placement of stocks in to a Stock Loan, and re-purchase of annuities to re-stock your IRA within the statutory limit. Our firm provides the loan only; all other facets are handled 100% by licensed professionals in compliance with regulations.
The result? You'll have a healthy IRA producing annuity income (or building value) while remaining "in the market" as beneficial owner of your carefully selected 'bargain' stocks. By the time the loan term is up in 3-5 years, if you picked with care, your portfolio will be worth much more in a healthy economy and you can use that to have the lender sell enough shares to pay off the loan, while you recoup the upside profit as shares or stock, whatever you prefer. You've thus profited from the market, while retaining your IRA.
Quick funding – If your stocks are in "electronic form" already at your brokerage, and you can move them quickly, we can have your cash in hand in as few as 72 hours.
For more information, please visit our website:
Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business.
All the best,
--Branon A. Edwards